Przewalski's (PREZ-val-skee)Przewalski's(PREZ-val-skee)

Also Known As: Asiatic Wild Horse, Mongolian Wild Horse, Mongolian Tarpan, Taki

 Rare Przewalski's Horses&Foals
The Przewalski horse(originally found in Asia) is an endangered species that at one time became extinct in the wild, but with reproduction and reintroduction programs,zoos and other conservatio organisations have maintained this species.
Here is a foal showing how to pose ever so perfectly.
The Przewalski horse (Equus przewalski poliakov) is the last remaining wild species of horses. All other horses are either domesticated or descended from horses which were once domesticated. Until the mid-1990's the Przewalski was extinct in the wild, exterminated by hunters. Through efforts of the Przewalski Foundation in the Netherlands and breeding preserves in Askania Nova, Ukraine, in 1992 two combined breeding groups of Przewalski horses were reintroduced to Mongolia with the ultimate plan to reintroduce the animals to the open steppe.
It was originally believed that the Przewalski horse was discovered by the Russian explorer Colonel Przewalski, for whom it is named, in 1881. More recent information from the Przewalski Horse Foundation indicates two Europeans saw these animals much earlier

date Friday, January 7, 2011

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