sheep_dall Kod:7h mink Kod:7I
husky_puppy_black_cash Kod:7B husky_puppy_grey_cash Kod:6w husky_puppy_brown_cash Kod:6x
horse_icelandic Kod:5e foal_icelandic Kod:5f
Art collection Reward
winterfarmhouse Kod:5J logcabinvisitorcenter Kod:5g alaskahome Kod:7H
eagle_bald Kod: 7G alaskantotempole2 Kod: 5H wintersnowytreeKod: 7C
husky_puppy_black_cash Kod:7B husky_puppy_grey_cash Kod:6w husky_puppy_brown_cash Kod:6x
horse_icelandic Kod:5e foal_icelandic Kod:5f
Art collection Reward
To complete this collection, here's what you'll need to find:
- 10 Paper
- 10 Pipe Cleaners
- 10 Crayons
- 7 Glue Bottles
- 7 Scissors
- 3 Paint Brushes
eagle_bald Kod: 7G alaskantotempole2 Kod: 5H wintersnowytreeKod: 7C